Diabetes Kongress 2023
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Katarzyna Cyranka
PhD in medicine, specialist in clinical psychology, psychotherapist-Certificate of Polish Psychiatric Association, Psychoanalyst - Certificate of International Association for Analytical Psychology, MA in Psychology, MA in English Philology, MA in Family Sciences Currently holds the position of Professor Assistant in the Department of Psychiatry, Jagiellonian University Medical College and Department of Metabolic Diseases Jagiellonian University Medical College and Head of Psychology and Psychodiabetology Outpatient Clinic in the University Hospital in Krakow. Her research interests include psychological aspects of type 1 diabetes, psychopathology and treatment of personality disorders, anxiety disorders. She is a lecturer in many psychotherapy and psychoanalysis courses. Author of several dozen presentations at international conferences and dozens of articles in international journals with IF.
Jagiellonian University Medical College Poland
  • Vortrag Diabetes and psychiatric diseases Speaker
    Datum: 18.05.2023 , Zeit: 16:00 | Thema: Politik & Querschnittsthemen