Diabetes Kongress 2022
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Yichen Zhang
My name is Yichen Zhang and 28 years old. Currently, I am pursuing my medical doctorate at the Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich. With great interest, I have been doing my doctoral research on the study of in vitro and in vivo increase of beta-cell mass and functional maturation of porcine neonatal islet-like clusters and obtained advanced understanding in this field. I have learned and grasped the basic skills of scientific research with the help of my supervisor. I believe in myself and I am confident that nothing is impossible if we work really hard for it.
Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik IV - LMU Klinikum Germany
  • Vortrag Butyrate enhances differentiation and maturation of neonatal porcine islets by inhibiting class I histone deacetylase Speaker
    Datum: 27.05.2022 , Zeit: 10:30 | Thema: Poster