Diabetes Kongress 2022
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Prof. Dr. Karin Jandeleit-Dahm
Professor Karin Jandeleit-Dahm is the Deputy Head of the Diabetes Department at CCS, Monash University. is recognised as a clinical scientist and leader in the field of diabetic complications. She holds Professorships at Monash University and the University of Hannover, Germany. Her work has received a number of awards including the Lise Meitner and the Dorothea Erxleben Awards (recognising research excellence in Germany). Professor Jandeleit-Dahm has over 190 publications in high impact factor journals, including in Circulation, JASN, Circulation Research and Diabetes. She was on the Editorial Board for Diabetologia >8 years, and serves on the editorial boards for Diabetes (2021-23), Clinical Science and the Australian Internal Medicine Journal. Previously, she has been President of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society (2012-14). She was awarded fellowship of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences (2018) and is now the chair for the Victorian AAHMS fellow selection committee. In 2019, she was awarded the prestigious Leibniz Chair at the German Diabetes Centre, Leibniz Centre for Diabetes Research at the Heinrich Heine University, Dusseldorf, Germany.
Monash University Australia
  • Vortrag Preisverleihung der Hans-Christian-Hagedorn-Projektförderung 2022 Speaker
    Datum: 27.05.2022 , Zeit: 14:00 | Thema: Komorbiditäten