Diabetes Kongress 2022
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Dr. Peter Adolfsson
Dr. Peter Adolfsson is a Senior Physician at the hospitals of Halland, Kungsbacka, and Halmstad. He received his medical training at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the Gothenburg University. His scientific activities focus on the impact of diabetes technology, digital health, exercise and diabetes in general, and sometimes even physical activity beneath surface – scuba diving. Peter is the first author of the latest ISPAD Clinical Practice Consensus Guidelines related to Exercise.
The hospital of Halland, Kungsbacka and Halmstad Sweden
  • Vortrag Exercise in children and adolescents with T1D: Let's tame the chaos! Speaker
    Datum: 27.05.2022 , Zeit: 14:55 | Thema: Typ-1-Diabetes