DGPPN Kongress 2022
zur Liste
Prof. Dr. Dr. Hannelore Ehrenreich
Göttingen Germany
  • Session S-106 The role of physiological hypoxia for treating brain disorders – symposium of the Leopoldina German National Academy of Sciences Chair
    Datum: 24.11.2022 , Zeit: 15:30 | Topic: English programme
  • Vortrag Neurons respond to motor-cognitive challenge with functional hypoxia mediating brain hardware upgrade Speaker
    Datum: 24.11.2022 , Zeit: 16:36 | Topic: English programme
  • Vortrag NMDAR1 Autoantikörper und Neuroinflammation – Frage nach Henne oder Ei Speaker
    Datum: 25.11.2022 , Zeit: 17:37 | Topic: Wissenschaftliches Programm