Diabetes Kongress 2023
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Dr. Jiudan Zhang
Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism Germany
  • Vortrag One week very low calorie diet fasting activates myeloid cell inflammasome responses to stimuli of the inborn immune system in people with type 2 diabetes Autor:in
    Datum: 18.05.2023 , Zeit: 14:00 | Thema: Poster
  • Vortrag The Role of Hyperglucagonemia in Diabetes Remission Autor:in
    Datum: 18.05.2023 , Zeit: 16:44 | Thema: Freie-Vorträge
  • Vortrag Type 2 Diabetes remission by weight loss is associated with changes of T cells indicating re- programming of the adaptive immune system Speaker
    Datum: 19.05.2023 , Zeit: 10:51 | Thema: Poster