Admission instructions and hygiene requirements

The safety and hygiene concept for the event complies with the current measures of the applicable SARS-CoV-2 infection control measures ordinance stipulated by the Berlin Senate.

The following regulations essentially also apply to the Congress for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine held from 6th-9th October 2021 at Hub27 in Berlin:

Minimum distance

We recommend you maintain a minimum distance of 1.50 m from persons who are not members of your own household.

Masks (mouth and nose protection)

An FFP-2 mask without an exhalation valve or, as a minimum, medical mouth-nose protection (surgical mask) must be worn without exception throughout the Hub27 building. Community or fabric masks are not permitted. Visitors and attendees may remove masks when seated in the designated aeras to consume food and drink.

Hygiene regulations

  • Observe the coughing and sneezing etiquette
  • Wash and sanitise your hands regularly. Numerous sanitiser points are located around Hub27
  • Avoid direct contact with other persons (no handshakes or physical contact permitted)
  • Follow the information signs around the site


Admission to the event

The German "3-G rule" applies, which means that vaccinated, recovered or tested persons may enter the venue.

Certificates and proof are accepted in both digital and paper versions in German, English, French, Italian and Spanish.

Vaccinated persons who have been fully vaccinated for a minimum of 14 days.

The following documents may be used as proof of vaccination:

  • International vaccination card (Yellow Card) "International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis”, or
  • Other vaccination cards/passports/certificates, e.g. the “DDR-Impfpass” (GDR vaccination card) or older versions in other colours, or
  • Vaccination certificate issued to you at the vaccination centre or vaccination station (loose sheet)
  • Digital vaccination certificate

Recovered persons are considered recovered if they have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 following a PCR, PoC-PCR or other nucleic acid detection test within the last 6 months and the test result was at least 28 days ago. The most important criterion here is that your documentary evidence must show that your infection was confirmed by a PCR test. Furthermore, in addition to the test/report date, it must be clear to which person the document was issued. Both digital and paper versions will be accepted.

You can use the following documents as proof of vaccination:

  • PCR test result from a laboratory
  • PCR test result from a doctor
  • PCR test result from a testing station or test centre
  • Medical certificate (if the certificate contains information on the type of test (PCR) and test date)
  • An isolation note (if it contains information on the type of test (PCR) and test/notification date)

The following examples will NOT be recognised as a documentary evidence:

  • A rapid antigen detection test certificate
  • An isolation note which contains no information on the type of test and/or test/report date
  • Antibody detection test certificate
  • Medical certificates

Based on the above definition, what happens if you have "recovered", but have lost your proof of recovery document? In this case, please first contact the place where the test was carried out, e.g. your doctor or the testing station/test centre.

You have been tested SARS-CoV-2 positive, have recovered and therefore have only been vaccinated once.

There is currently no standard document available that lists and certifies this combined status.

You should therefore use a combination of documents as proof of infection and vaccination. In this case it is irrelevant how long ago the infection occurred.

You can use the following documents for this purpose:

  • PCR test result from a laboratory
  • PCR test result from a doctor
  • PCR test result from a testing station or test centre
  • Medical certificate (provided the certificate contains information on the type of test (PCR) and test date)
  • An isolation note (if it contains information on the type of test (PCR) and test/notification date)

The following examples will NOT be recognised as documentary evidence:

  • Additional certificates from the authorities (type of test and/or test/report date)


  • International vaccination card (Yellow Card) "International Certificate of Vaccination or Prophylaxis”, or
  • Other vaccination cards/passports/certificates, e.g. the “DDR-Impfpass” (GDR vaccination card) or older versions in other colours, or
  • Vaccination certificate issued to you at the vaccination centre or vaccination station (loose sheet)
  • Digital vaccination certificate

Tested: persons who can prove a negative PCR or antigen rapid test result dating back no longer than 48 (PCR)/24 (antigen) hours. In principle, only results from certified test centres will be accepted.


Registration / Contract tracing

Contact tracing is carried out by scanning the name badge when entering and leaving the venue. 

The current hygiene concept of the Congress for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 2021 is available here.